Saturday, October 1, 2011

My October Goals

Holy smokes, it's October! You know what that means? Only three more months to complete my 36 in 365 goals! So far I've fully completed 10 goals and partially completed 8. Yikes! I have a lot to do in the upcoming months! I've decided to break it down into somewhat manageable chunks, so here's what I plan to do in October:

1. Leave a comment on someone's blog everyday. I actually started doing this in August, then had a baby, so that screwed it all up :)

2. Bring Bama to the dog park more often. I'm going to try for 5 times this month.

3. Leave Operation Beautiful notes. I've had the notes written since summer, now I just have to find places to leave them!

4. Complete a list of 101 things that make me happy. I'll try for 20 this month - 5 a week?

5. Take a long bike ride. I hope to do this when I'm at home visiting my parents, if the weather cooperates.

6. Complete a 30 day Wii Fit challenge. I'll start this today, but the 30 days will have to be broken up since I'm visiting my parents for a week.

7. Go hiking. Well it's not a typical hike, but I'd love to walk the Bloomingdale Trail sometime this month.

8. Blog a total of 200 times throughout the year. Hmm, pretty much impossible since this is only my 63rd post of 2011. Anyway, there is a blogger photo challenge going on this month that I'll like to take part in, so that would be 31 more posts if I can actually get my act together!

Oh my goodness.. these are lofty goals but I'm up for the challenge! What are some things you'd like to complete before the end of the year?


  1. #1 goal to try to achieve by the end of 2011: Lose the baby weight! I'm in the home stretch, but I feel like these last pounds are going to be the hardest!

  2. Get all my filing done!!! I've been procrastinating for the past year. It's do or die by the end of the year!!! I can't stand seeing that basket full of paperwork each day!! Why is there never enough time in the day to do all the piddly little things that suddenly add up to bigger jobs??? Maybe it's because I'm never home long enough :)

  3. I'd like to get to the gym more often. Right now its twice a week and I need to get there 4 times to make a difference.

    Good luck with your goals!
