Friday, May 15, 2009

Rejoice, It's the Weekend

I started my long weekend off with a massage! Actually, I needed it badly because I hurt myself trying to take my coat off when I was stopped at a red light. It's so much better now. Here are a few other things I may or may not do this weekend:

**Edit - The bold ones I have done!

- visit the Toronto Islands
- go to the Harbourfront Centre
- watch Breakfast At Tiffany's
- ride my bike
- eat steak
- drink wine
- see what's left of the cherry blossoms at High Park
- go to the movies
- smooch my husband
- read
- nap
- geocache
- have a green tea latte from Second Cup
- call my mum
- catch up on emails
- paint my toes
- finish the honeymoon book
- play Euro boardgames 4 times!

I'm sure there's a few other things I can think of...

What are your plans?

Enjoy the weekend!


  1. I like the call my mum part!!! My plans are to have dinner guests on Saturday evening, visit my two little buddies, Aaron and Elle on Sunday, talk to my daughter on the phone and sleep in on Saturday, Sunday and Monday!!!

  2. Well the weather is preventing me from planting this weekend which was my first plan.

    I woke up with a sore throat so I think I'll take today and try NOT to get sick!!

    I did get the season finale of Lost watched last night, which was also in my plans

    No hockey today, so I'm a bit lost myself ;)

    Good luck with your list Jill!
