Saturday, May 16, 2009

Finally Finished Blurbing

Earlier today M and I finished up our honeymoon blurb book. Finally! I'm very excited to see the finished product and I hope the quality is great. We'll wait and see - right now it's expected to be shipped by the 26th.

You can go look at the first 15 pages here. It's 70 pages in total, hard cover, and cost $45 - and that's using a free shipping coupon. I also opted for the "premium" paper, whatever that means.

Here's what the cover looks like:

We came up with a very creative title, eh?

Blurb is the company I used to make the guest book at our wedding! I was happy with that book, so I can't wait to see this one!


  1. Aw, thats so nice - what a lovely memory book!

  2. I wish I could be as organized as you!!! I think your book is going to be wonderful. I can't wait to see the finished product!!
