The hospital I delivered at organizes a moms' support group once a week and I love it! It's so nice to meet other moms with newborns who are going through the same experiences that I am. Last week there were two really new moms there with week old babies and man, oh man, I felt so bad for them. Both of them had the baby blues something terrible - weepy, sad about everything and nothing, eyes filling with tears in one second flat. And oh, do I ever know what they are going through because I was hit with the baby blues HARD.
Everything was peachy keen for the first week - my parents were visiting which means the dog was walked, the house vacuumed, meals prepared, laundry done, bathrooms cleaned, baby held whenever I wanted a break, etc x a million. Then they went home, M was back at work by this time, and it all went downhill from there.
If I was sitting down nursing and needed something, there was no more, "Mummy, can you bring me ___?" No more dinners ready to be served to my hard-working husband when he walked in the door. Forget about a clean house! Bama's learned how to cross his legs until I'm ready each evening to strap the baby on and take both her and him for a walk. And goodness, forget about blogging - it's impossible to do with only one hand!
Anyway, my point is - I was in for a real shock once my parents left. I had to take care of a baby myself, which wasn't even the worst part! I was homesick and lonely. We live far away from our family and the friends that we have here aren't exactly the baby type. I just imagined myself alone all day, every day, with this unknown creature called little m. I was a basket-case and complete emotional mess. That craziness lasted one week and now everything is good, but seriously... the baby blues are nothing to kid around about. I think I cried more in that one week than the rest of my life combined.
So... at this mom's group.. I just wanted to hug these two new moms, look them in the eyes and tell them things.will.get.better. Yes, they will. Right now it doesn't feel like they will, but the blues will go away (unless they don't and that's a bigger issue) and you will survive!
I've always been a super emotional person and I get homesick on a regular basis after visiting with friends and family (even when I lived so close to them!) so through my pregnancy I was very concerned about how the baby blues would hit me and even wondered if I'd get postpartum depression. So far though, since that one terrible week, life is good, or as good as it can be with a newborn who doesn't like to nap during the day.
So thank you friends, for the emails, the facebook messages, the phone calls, the skype calls, and even the tweets. I have not had the chance to respond to everyone, but just knowing that someone out there is thinking of us made things better and was/is much appreciated!