Monday, February 1, 2010

Seriously, it's February?

I can hardly believe it's the first day of February. This winter if flying by and I don't mind it one bit! Knock on wood.

I have now been a "single" woman for 2 full months. Of course I miss my husband but being apart is not as bad as I thought it would be. Five more months to go! I find that I am gaining more of myself and my independence back. I'm taking a lot of classes and trying new things. I do what I want whenever I want. And seriously the best - the tv goes on only when I want it to! The constancy of the tv was really beginning to stress me out.

February is the shortest month of the year and it's sure to be a busy one. Here's what I have going on in addition to my normal everyday things:

- report card writing :(
- two tv show audiences to attend (not Oprah.. yet!)
- chick hatching, which means this weekend I'll be bringing babies home to take care of!
- a trip to Chicago
- parents visiting this weekend
- training for 5K in March
- skating, skating, skating
- studying for Chicago teacher tests

I'm sure I've forgotten some, but, yep, it's going to be a busy one!

Do you have any exciting February plans?


  1. I really admire how you've embraced this being on your own - but I'm not surprised - I knew you would!!

    As for my own February plans I think I might start with a trip to Wiarton to throttle that rodent who saw his shadow this morning :)

    Seriously though, hubby and I will be going to Montreal for the Valentines/Family day weekend. And the following weekend we'll be visiting friends in Calabogie to do some more snowshoeing.

    Enjoy your February!!

  2. Sounds like you've got a busy little February planned... I'm sure it'll fly by and then you're that much closer to having hubby home! :)

  3. I'm so thrilled that you are doing all sorts of things on your own. I know what you mean about the tv. I think I probably watch about an hour of tv each week.... tops!! I don't miss it at all!! It's great that you can fly to Chicago so often and that M will be flying back home also. We haven't got much planned for February... visiting our daughter at least once (maybe twice). We are taking in as much of TO as we can before you move to Chicago. We have a few dinners planned with friends. I wish we had a sunny destination to go to in February but not this year :( but we are going to Florida in April :) looking forward to that will make February go by a little faster, I think!
