#30. Little m’s hairy ears. I absolutely love them. At birth, these suckers were quite hairy, and even at three months, when the picture below was taken, there was a little left. All the hair is gone now at six months which means my baby's a big girl, wahhh! It was so cute while it lasted.
#31. When M and I were in New Zealand, we happened upon a guy selling meat pies out of a camper in Auckland. Random, yes. After we ordered, I swear I heard the guy thank M for paying and then said, “Sweet A$$”. I was so confused. Why was this meat man complimenting M on his a$$? Fast forward a few days and I hear a server say the same thing. Really? What is it with New Zealanders and their obsession with M’s cheeks? I brought this up to M and it turns out he didn’t hear either compliment and was convinced I was making these things up! Fast forward another few days and while browsing a souvenir shop I see a shirt with “Sweet As” on it. It turns out this is a popular saying that is similar to cool or awesome, but with the NZ accent, sounds like something much different! I told M not to worry though, his a$$ is still sweet to me.
#32. Another New Zealand memory that makes me smile happened the first morning we arrived in Auckland. After traveling for 20+hours and arriving in Auckland very early in the morning we caught a shuttle into the city. We got off at the nearest stop, which was still a ten minute walk to our hotel. Up a huge hill. With a baby. Pushing a stroller. Pulling two huge suitcases. Wearing our carry on luggage. At 6am. It must have been a funny sight. We were sweating. It was not funny at the time, but now we can laugh about it for sure.
Tell me something funny in your life lately.
How can I top your stories????? So funny!!!! I love reading your blogs. I'll think about a funny story and get back to ya!!!