Here is the story of how we acquired Bama:
When M came to Chicago a year and a half ago he moved into an apartment with two guys, one being the owner of Bama. M warned me that when I came to visit him in Chicago there would be a dog there, which was okay since I really had no choice and my visits would be short. I mostly didn't like dogs because of all the hair and I was once traumatized by a neighbour's dog who pulled at my Halloween costume. Plus, sometimes they stink and have bad breath. I would often avoid walking close to dogs on sidewalks. You can actually read about how I did not want a dog here.
The first time I came to visit M, I don't know what happened, but I just loved his roommate's dog. I took Bama for walks, played with him a lot, and generally fell head over heels. When I skyped with M I always asked to see the dog too. Ha ha, I know how pathetic this sounds, believe me. I spent so much time with Bama when I was visiting that he'd be depressed for a few days after I left.
M's roommate worked really long/late/odd hours and painstakingly made the decision to give Bama to us to essentially give him a better life with more walks, more time outside, and more attention. It was a really hard decision for him to make and he misses Bama like crazy. I think it's a win-win situation though because Bama is happier now AND still gets to see his old owner quite often.
I am so so so so happy times a million that we found Bama and became his new owners. It really is a lot of responsibility having a dog but coming home to his love and affection each day makes it all worthwhile. Even on rainy days or when I have to walk him in -20C temperatures!
Bama is "the boy", also affectionately know as Bam, Bammie, Bamster, Bammers McGee, Bama Louie, Bama-lama-ding-dong, grey beard, precious, prince, and turtle (because of the way he lays, shown in the above picture). If Bama's old owner knew I called him some of those names or saw that I put a birthday hat on him, he'd surely take Bama back.
I told you I am a cRaZy dog lady.