Thursday, October 10, 2013

Eleven Years in the Making

In the past few years of having this blog I've talked about M's exam writing only a handful of times. In reality, these exams have consumed our lives for the last eleven years. ELEVEN! And I say "our" lives lightly. Of course I am affected by them (especially after having a child and having to be a single parent) but I'm not the one who has to write them, so really, I have no idea.

But I do think it's important to document this painful! experience because in a few years, the memories will be distant.

Since I've known M he's been writing two exams a year, an April sitting and a November sitting, with many online modules and assignments thrown in just for extra fun. Each exam required four months of preparation and hundreds of hours of studying. It was pretty much impossible to make weekend plans. Easter holiday was missed every year. Stress stress stress. Tears and heartbreak at bad results. Feelings of failure, inadequacy, and questioning - is it really worth it?  Heavy hearted celebration at good results, knowing that studying for the next exam would begin too soon. Not being able to fully relax during the two months it took for results to come out. Thousands of dollars spent on exam fees and books. Anxiety and dreams about bugs in the middle of the night. People comparing these exams to a CPA or CMA - just don't. And still, even after reading this, not fully comprehending this long process unless you've lived it.

Anyway, all of that is over now.
On July 12, we found out M passed his very last exam. It was the second happiest day of my life! Usually I am overly eager to check the website for results but this year I just couldn't make myself do it. M signed up to receive a text message, which he received at the 18th hole of a golf game he was playing. A minute later he texted me "OMG!". Instant tears and then it was party time.

We were at a family cottage during this time and when M got home from his golf game, everyone stood in the doorway, giving him a round of applause and hooting and hollering. Haha, it was quite funny, but even now, just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes.

I'm so unbelievable proud of my husband for his determination and hard work! And so happy not to have to share him anymore.

Good riddance. 


  1. Brought tears to my eyes just reading this blog. I was so happy when M found out that he passed his final exam. The look on your face when you shrieked out that he passed was one that I don't think I will ever forget and your tears of joy that followed was heart swelling. Both your dad and I had tears when we saw M walk through the door and saw everyone congratulate him. I can't believe it has been 11 years that M has been studying and writing exams. We are so happy that he persevered and never gave up!!

  2. All I can say to M is: Friggin' eh man!

  3. I'm not sure who was more excited for this to be over; me or you!

  4. Congratulations!! That must be such a relief for all of you :)
