Well, it took a month or two but I now I can cross a huge task off my to-do list - the nursery for Baby is done done da done! I wrote
here about how our nursery isn't a traditional nursery per se, more of a shared room for guests and Baby, so keep that in mind when you look at the following pictures! There is no theme, but we tried to use browns and greens as our colour scheme.
Here's what it looks like from the door. Tight squeeze! We have barely enough room for the crib, bed, and chair with ottoman.
And here's a view of the room while standing at the windows. It's nice that we can close the closet doors and the clutter disappears!
Now for the details! There are two shelves in this room that I would love to tear down because they're ugly and in the most awkward spot ever. But, filled with old teddy bears and a few new gifts from our baby shower, they are much less hideous! I'm in love with the three soft blocks my sister-in-law made for us. She's so crafty.
One of the most difficult things when completing the room was deciding on window coverings. The blinds we currently have let in every bit of sunlight and I think it's really important that the room be dark so that the baby can sleep easily. We searched and searched for drapes but because of the way the windows are placed, they would have to be hung from the ceiling. Instead, M found what I think is the best alternative - blackout
Redi Shades. These are temporary blinds made of what feels like construction paper that stick with adhesive to the top of your window. The downfall is that there is no cord to pull them up, they need to be pinned with clips. At $6 a piece, you really can't beat the price and they block out all of the light. Because our windows are so huge, the Redi Shades are technically a couple of inches too short, but seem to get stretched out nicely, which works perfectly for us!
Our crib is the
DaVinci Emily 4 in 1 convertible and mattress is by
Safety 1st, both gifted to us by M's parents. I love the espresso colour of the crib. The picture frame you see sitting inside of the crib is one of my favourite purchases. It's a Wish Tree from
Stinkerpants, a blogger I follow who specializes in artwork, stationary, clothing for babies, and a ton of other cute things. I'm going to ask everyone who comes to visit the baby to write a wish in one of the leaves and then when it's full we'll hang it in the space above the crib!
My brother and sister-in-law gave us a First Year calendar where you can fill in milestones and daily events. This was a nice surprise because I used to be obsessed with Flavia calendars and greeting cards!
Since we don't have space for a dresser, we really needed an extra storage place to put random stuff in. We found this green
over the door organizer at Crate and Barrel and while not exactly what I was looking for, it'll do!
The picture below shows the inside of the closet. What you see hanging are all of the baby clothes we have been gifted with from baby shower guests and my mom who found a few really nice gender neutral things for $1/each at some flea market. It's so difficult to find gender neutral clothing so I haven't bought anything myself yet. When it's time though, I'll definitely be hitting up sales because I cringe at the thought of spending so much money on clothing that will be worn for only a few months.
The white shelving units in the closet are filled with my junk but the metal shelving unit is where all of the folded clothes, blankets, towels, washcloths, etc. will be kept. You can see the newborn cloth diapers that I've bought in the top compartment, which come to think of, I've stayed away from discussing on this blog because people have big issues with using cloth that I don't want to get into.. yet.. until I can proudly exclaim from personal experience, how cloth diapering is the best thing since sliced bread :)
There is no room for a change table, so we will be using the end of the bed. My mom bought us the lime
cooshee changer which I'm very excited to use since it has great reviews. This changing pad is quite expensive ($65) but one of the magical things about it is that it requires no pad or cover, which means less laundry! The material stays warm, it's made with anti-bacterial foam and can be cleaned with a baby wipe. It's also waterproof and can be used for sponge baths when the baby is small.
Doesn't poor Bama the dog look so sad? He has no idea what is about to come! He's actually not too sad, just enjoys sleeping with his head hanging off the bed. Bama used to be forbidden from coming into the guest room but since we don't want him to hate the baby, he's now invited into the room all the time. Don't worry (mom) I always put fresh sheets on the bed when guests come over.
When M and I were shopping on the weekend, I saw the frame below at Bed Bath and Beyond. I passed it up but went back yesterday because I thought it was too sweet, and with a printable coupon I found online, it was cheap! The little quote says "When they placed you into my arms, you slipped into my heart." Awww :)
And that is pretty much all there is to show! Now that the room is finished I can focus on other things like.. laundry! Oh joy.