Friday, January 23, 2009

Date Night... Sorta

The other night I suggested to M. that Saturday should be date night. I booked a restaurant for Winterlicious and later realized that Winterlicious doesn't start until late January. Cancel that. Then I got called to babysit on Saturday. So anyway, Friday became the new date night.

For dinner I made antojitos (appetizer), homemade pizza (entree), and a healthyish version of apple-blueberry crisp (dessert). Yeah, I was pretty proud of myself. We watched the last two episodes of The Office. I think I was a little happy from the wine and couldn't stop howling at the opening scene. Bahahahaha. 31 is the new number! I'm still laughing thinking about it.

We then played a couple of games - Ticket To Ride and Lost Cities. We miss J&L our Euro board gamer friends. But we did think of them and listened to the CD they sent us for Christmas (yay, we got it this week - thanks for resending). Then I started showing M. romantic YouTube videos of my favourite So You Think You Can Dance dances, but he wan't too into that. Anyway, we both ended up winning one game each, and no arguments happened! Sometimes we're a little competitive.
I really dress up for date night, can't you tell?

Now, is that an exciting date night, or what?


  1. You guys are too cute!!

  2. Keep having date nights..... it keeps the romance in your marriage.....

  3. We miss the Euro board gaming nights, too!

    And I took L. to see the So You Think You Can Dance Canada tour last night. She enjoyed it thoroughly. It's in Toronto Feb. 13!
