Thursday, January 22, 2009

Coffee Club

Our code names: M.S.G. - J. - P.J.H.

Meet the members of the "Thank God It's Monday" club... well actually that name only lasted once. Then it became the "Thank God It's Tuesday" club when we met on a Tuesday, and today it changed to "Thank God It's Thursday". Either way, it's the best club I am a member of, and not just because it's the only one!

M.S.G. and I worked together for two years - then the dreaded surplus happened - and life at school is so different! Who can I talk to about The Hills now? Where do I drop all of my things when I go sign in at the office? Who can I email my supply notes to? Like, oh my god, like, it's just not the same without her!

P.J.H. is probably the funniest lady alive. You should see this woman dance! She keeps me sane, I swear.

Every time we get together we say we're not going to discuss work, but that never happens now, does it? Next time, ladies, next time...

If you're ever at Second Cup, you must try the Green Tea Latte.. oh so good.

Sorry, couldn't resist.


  1. It's nice to have a club to belong to with your friends..... even if you do talk about work once in awhile. Everyone should have a club like you have!!!

  2. Jillybean...I think that you forgot about the most important club....Boardgame Club! How could you forget that club!!! Oh, that was the best school club ever!
