Sunday, September 29, 2013

Oh, hi.

It's been so long since I sat down to write a post that it actually took me a couple of minutes to figure out how to open a new page. Wow. For four months and one day my mother clicked on my blog and saw the same old post about my horrible child. I must say, she is much less horrible now - that post was clearly written in a moment of weakness and despair and dare I say that age two is the best yet?

This summer was spectacular. Between May through August the hubs and I did a lot of traveling without Little m, so we decided to end the summer off right with a family trip, just the three of us.

We headed up to Wisconsin Dells last weekend and for those of you who have never heard of the place, it's basically a tourist trap of a town that has a million waterpark resorts. We stayed at Kalahari Resorts and took full advantage of everything it had to offer, which meant a few firsts for Little m.

First time bowling! And did you see that bowling shoes actually look cute on a toddler?

She loved bowling but also loved cheering us on "Go, Daddy, Go!" and "Yay, Mama!"

Little m also experienced her first arcade, which she went nuts for. She played this whac-a-mole game no less than five times and became quite good at it!

Her other favourite game was passing the balls to M for the skee ball. She really got into it.

I know Little m won't remember this trip but we certainly had a great time and I'm sure she'll enjoy looking back at the pictures one day!

It was the perfect end to our summer!


  1. Yay!! Finally a blog!!! Lol. I'm glad you had a wonderful end to the summer. Thanks for travelling this summer too. We enjoyed every minute spent with your beautiful little gal. Little m is so much fun and so cute.... when are you going away again????

  2. I am not as diligent as your mom, but I also continue to check the blog for updates :) A nice surprise on a Monday! Looks like you had a great summer!!
