Sunday, May 26, 2013

Making Some Moolah

A few months ago I noticed a bunch of the bloggers I follow were doing something called DietBet. I looked into it and knew I wanted to join. One thing I've learned about myself over the years is that I am motivated by money. As in, I'm super cheap and absolutely hate wasting or losing it.

The concept behind DietBet is that everyone who joins the game throws a set amount (usually around $20) into the pot. You then have 28 days to lose 4% of your body weight. In the end, whoever reaches their goal gets to split the pot with the rest of the winners.

Perfect. Winning money for losing weight? That is something I can get behind. I started my first DietBet in February and will be completing (and hopefully winning) my fourth one next week. So far I've won $50 in total and hopefully another $20 or so after this current one is over. So it's not like I'm making millions but 50 free bucks is 50 free bucks.

I've also been using the gympact app on my phone, which is another way of making a very small amount of money each time you work out. I make a pact of 5 workouts/week and if I reach that goal I end up winning around $2 each week. So again, nothing major, but it does add up over the months. If you already work out consistently, it's just an extra press of a button on your phone to check in at your gym, and money is made!

I still have about 10 lbs to lose to reach my overall goal, but slow and steady wins the race, right? Please cheer me on. I have been losing motivation lately with the combo of hormonal craziness caused by weaning and tons of guests visiting who want to eat out. I'll need to give it my all this upcoming week so that I can win my DietBet!

Here are some before and after pics. I've lost just under 20 lbs and actually fit into my clothes now, yay! I'm also not considered "overweight" on those ridiculous body charts anymore. Can you tell a difference from February to May?
 And now with my winnings I shall go by a more supportive sports bra :)


  1. You look great, Jilly!! I told you so this weekend!! As soon as I saw you I could tell that you have lost a lot of weight!! Sorry about the eating out that we like to's just so fun to do when you are in the big city. You probably went through that when you first moved to Chicago. Good luck this week!! I bet you will win more $$.

  2. Happy to see you are feeling good and making money in the process!
