Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Pinterest Challenge

Sisters Share It All: Pinterest Challenge
I'm back with another Pinterest inspired post! I'm on a roll with two in a row! This time I'm joining a six week Pinterest challenge that I saw over at Everyday Reading. The point of this challenge is to do six things you've pinned over a six week period. Sounds doable! Here are my six choices:

                                                                                                      Source: via Jill on Pinterest
1. Creamy cashew dip. I've read rave reviews about it. I have all of the ingredients, now just need to find the time to make it!


                                                                                                      Source: via Jill on Pinterest
2. Baked banana chocolate chip donuts. Healthier than regular donuts. I wonder if they'll taste as good? I see these in my future one weekend morning. 

                                                                                        Source: via Jill on Pinterest
3. Broiled grapefruit. It's been described as a "sweet, tangy, bruleed masterpiece for your taste buds". We shall see! 

                                                                                               Source: via Jill on Pinterest
4. This pin shows how to put your iPhone into kid mode. I desperately need this, especially during those long car rides where I throw my phone back to Little m to get her to stop crying and then find out she's written an email, phoned someone, and liked someone's post on Facebook. 

                                                                                         Source: via Jill on Pinterest
5. An alphabet book for Little m. I actually started one many months ago and then stopped halfway. This will probably be the pin most difficult to complete as it takes planning in order to take appropriate photos plus time to design the book. I think she'd really love the finished product. 

                                                                                                           Source: via Jill on Pinterest
6. My mattress needs some serious cleaning thanks to my schwetty husband. I'm hoping this baking soda trick will be helpful in defunkifying it a little.

See you back in six weeks with an update on how things went! 


  1. Wow.... I will be your guinea pig to try all the recipes when we visit you soon. They all look so yummy!! Can't wait to see how these all turn out!!

  2. Those donuts look amazing! I'll have to give those a whirl too.

    Thanks for linking up!

  3. I want those grapefruits like now! If I could just reach into the picture....

  4. "Healthier" such a thing even possible?

    1. Ha, well it's an attempt! This recipe appears to use greek yogurt instead of oil, but not a health food by any means!

  5. Oh the alphabet book looks adorable!

  6. These pins are great! Definitely need to try my hand at the grapefruit!
