Sunday, December 4, 2011

Month Three With Little m

Little m’s third month of being was a busy one!
She is now a world traveler! At ten weeks old, Little m took her first flight from Chicago to Toronto, and at twelve weeks flew from Chicago to San Francisco to Auckland. She is a very easy traveler and everything went more smoothly than expected.
Not gonna lie, this was probably our most difficult month yet due to her sleeping, or should I say lack there of. Sleeping? What's that? Some nights she’d be up almost every hour. Some days she wouldn’t sleep at all between 9am-9pm. Things have definitely taking a turn for the better now and perhaps all of the craziness was due to a growth spurt? Blame everything on growth spurts, that's my motto.

Little m talks and smiles and kicks her legs a lot now! I’ve heard a few giggles too. She is happiest in the mornings. She absolutely loves being naked. She doesn’t love tummy time. She is very nosy and wants to look at everything around her. Her neck is getting much stronger but still needs support. She loves when I lay down beside her and hold a book above our heads and read to her. Eating her fingers is her favourite way to pass the time. Driving in the car is the worst thing in the world to her. Unfortunately, sitting in her car seat for a stroller ride is the second worst thing. She loves being carried in a sling or moby wrap. Bouncing on the exercise ball is the number one way to calm her down when she’s upset and I was so close to bringing it to New Zealand with us.

She’s still a tiny girl weighing somewhere around eight and a half pounds. She’s long and lean and outgrows the length of her clothing way way way before the width.

She’s our not perfect, yet perfect to us peanut.


  1. oh my gosh, she is SOOO cute and I love how you can see how happy she is from these photos! adorable!

  2. To this first time nanny, she is definitely perfect!

    And thanks for flying her to Toronto to see us! It was the best weekend :)

  3. she's an absolute doll Jilly...can't wait to see her you and Mike when you are home next week...yay..

  4. She is so sweet. I wish I could see her more often. Hurry up, Christmas!

  5. Seriously, little M, stop the cuteness! I can't take it!
