Monday, May 3, 2010

The Scent of Spring

The other night when I was walking I got a whiff of something sooooo good in the air. Could it be?
Yes! The lilacs are out!

Fresh lilacs have got to be one of my favourite scents. I'm not crazy about lilac perfume or anything like that, but give me a lilac bush and I could sniff it for days. And that's precisely what I did tonight. I stole a branch and sat and sniffed it. Then I brought the branch home and put it in water on my bedside table, so now I can sniff it all night long. It may or may not be giving me a headache.
Now, here's a cute story about lilacs for you. When I was young, my dad, on his way home from work, would often stop on the side of the road to pick lilacs for my mom. Ohhh, they smelled so good. And that is how my love for lilacs was born. My parents also have two purple lilac bushes, which are way better than plain old white ones, in my opinion.

Fa la la la... spring is in the air...


  1. I, too, love the scent of a lilac bush. We had a huge purple one in our backyard when I was growing up. It was behind my swing set and I loved being able to smell it while we played. I think I need to plant a small one at my new house! Spring is definitely in the air and I love it......

  2. I don't know that I've ever seen one. It probably doesn't grow in the south :( We have wild plums here and the smell heavenly!

  3. The kids gave me a lilac bush for mother's day one year. Nothing ever smells so good!

  4. I was wishing that it wasn't raining on Saturday morning when I was leaving for Woodstock... the lilacs had just blossomed a day or so before and I wanted to surprise you with a bunch of them... but it was thundering and lightning out at the time.... darn... hopefully they will still be in bloom when you come home next. Your dad still stops by the roadside on the parkway and brings lilacs home for me... I love spring too!!!

  5. Wild plums? Hmmm, sounds heavenly for sure!
