Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What's a Happening?

Last night I got back from Chicago where I was visiting this guy
and this guy!
I LOVE this dog! I just want to maul him all day long!
We had a fun, although non-Eastery weekend. Does Chicago not sell mini-eggs? All I wanted for Easter was one little package yet they were nowhere to be found. Boo!

We did find tickets to a Blackhawks game. You know what's really weird? The Americans clapped and hooted and hollered throughout their entire national anthem. I have never seen this before! Very much different than what I'm used to.
M surprised me with tickets to see Ingrid Michaelson on Friday night!
We also spent time walking around the area we want to live in and viewed one apartment for rent, but it's still too early to be searching for July 1st availability. I can hardly believe in less than three months I'll be living in the USA. Eeek!


  1. I'm surprised you even mentioned visiting me. We both know it was Bama you really came to see!

  2. Michelle GrenvilleApril 07, 2010 10:18 PM

    I am love mini eggs and I actually think that I may be addicted to them! :) Looks like you had a great weekend!

  3. So How Mad is the Mad House? Different from Scotiabank Place?

  4. Well no, it was not all that different from SBP except at the Madhouse.....

    1) The national anthem/beginning of game has way more excitement.
    2) Goals have more excitement and everybody high fives each other.
    3) There is less noise/cheering during the game.
    4) No organ man :(

    Both are fun, but for being called the "Madhouse" I expected a bit more!

  5. Well the madhouse lives up to its name during the playoffs! I've also since learned that the cheering during the national anthem is strictly a Chicago thing, not a US thing.

    Also, they had an organ man last night, he isn't visible like the guy at SBP and he is not very good, haha!
