Sunday, March 7, 2010

Heavy Duty Spring Cleaning

I have mixed feeling about this listing agreement we signed last week. I (for the most part) love our condo, but renting it out while we're living in Chicago is going to be too much stress. We'd have to pay all kinds of taxes on the rental income and I feel like I can't trust strangers to take care of the place like we would. I can just imagine what our hardwood floors might look like when we come back.

Selling = cleaning. I have now spent my entire weekend dusting, washing, vacuuming, and windexing absolutely everything. It's hard work. I got overwhelmed last night because there's still so much to do and I'm mad because the weather is beautiful and I'm inside cleaning! Bah!

I started with the outside rooms and put everything I wanted to get rid of on the living room floor. Oh my. Now it's time to deal with the living room and I'm scared.

So, what else to do but take a break and treat myself to a nice breakfast. French toast with sauteed bananas. Yum! I also had some french pressed coffee in my feel good mug.
Do you have a feel good mug? I have one here and also at my parents' house. Whenever I was sick, tired, or whatever, my mom would give me something in the feel good mug. It makes me happy.

Ok, bye.


  1. But once you get the place the way you want it, there is no one to mess it up!!

    Glad to see you're using the french press! :)

  2. I love the french press Marina! It's my guilty pleasure on weekend mornings!

  3. I'm glad you have your own feel good mug. There's just something about having a mug like that to help you feel better - whether you are sick or just down in the dumps. Now you can relax and put your feet up... your condo is clean!! Now sell, sell, sell!!!
