Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On The 11th Day Before Christmas

On the 11th day before Christmas, my true love gave to me... **ahem - get your singing voice ready** a bunch of keys to choose from and a sticky locker room door.

I decided it's high time to get my Christmas tree up, considering there are only 11 days till Christmas. I actually attempted to get the tree out of our locker room a week ago, but as you can see below, I had to find the right key.
I tried all of these keys, but no luck. I found a few more in various drawers and went down tonight to try again. Still, no luck! I started complaining to M, who told me I just need to push the handle harder. So, down I went again, and darn it all, he was right! Success!

Here's our stanky locker filled with M's stanky hockey equipment. And here is our beautiful tree-in-a-box!And ta-da!!!!! Oh wait, I was too tired to set it up and the tree is currently sitting on the living room floor. Whoops!
Instead, I made some raspberry hot chocolate and watched the latest Office episode, which was Christmas themed. That counts, right?


  1. I'm pretty sure I know what all of those keys open just from looking at them in the picture.

    Oh how I miss playing hockey =(

  2. Oh that's funny! M, you are soooo your father - stinky hockey gear and all :)

  3. Jill... I'm so glad you set up your Christmas tree...gets you in the spirit!! Have you ever heard Spanish Christmas music? We hear it all the time here!!!
