Sunday, July 19, 2009

It Tastes Like... What?

I'm back from a great week at the cottage and have so much to write about! First up... beer tasting night!

We tasted a total of 10 beers and 1 cider, most from microbreweries in Toronto. Now I must caution that out of the 8 tasters, only 3 or 4 are actual beer lovers, so the results could be slightly skewed! It made for a funny night though!

I recorded some of the comments people made as they were tasting plus the overall thumbs up/down rating. Here we go!

1. Hoppin' Mad - Granite Brewery (Rating: 7 thumbs down, 1 thumb up)
"Oh my God. That is the worst stuff."
"That's like cough syrup. Buckley's tastes better than that."
"What have I swallowed that tastes like that? Bug spray?"

2. Wit - Mill St. Brewery (Rating: 4 thumbs down, 4 thumbs up)
"Ech, that was horrid. It tastes like piss... not speaking from experience."

3. Tankhouse Ale - Mill St. Brewery (Rating: 6 thumbs down, 2 thumbs up)
"This tastes like some sort of chemical... Windex."
"My favourite so far. It's good."

4. Natural Blonde - Amsterdam (Rating: 8 thumbs up)
"I can handle that."
"I already drank a couple of bottles of that. I love it."

5. Framboise - Amsterdam (Rating: 3 thumbs down, 5 thumbs up)
"That tastes like raspberry juice - just terrible."

6. Orange Peel Ale - Great Lakes Brewery (Rating: 8 thumbs down)
"Terrible aftertaste."
"That is just repulsive."

7. Steamwhistle Pilsner - Steamwhistle (Rating: 1 thumb down, 7 thumbs up)
"Not bad!"

9. Keith's White (Rating: 1 thumb down, 2 devil horns, 4 thumbs up)
"They should stick to brewing what they brew right."
"Do you taste the cinnamon? Ginger snaps?"

10. Rekorderlig Wild Berries Cider (Rating: 1 thumb down, 7 thumbs up)
"That's what beer should taste like."
"Whaaaaat?? What is that? That ain't good! Go back to Sweden."

11. Bud Light Lime (Rating: 2 thumbs down, 1 devil horns, 5 thumbs up)
"It's good but then it's kinda too limey."
"It's just wrong. It tastes like hot tub water."

There you have it. I think this needs to become an annual event! Any suggestions for next year?


  1. The only one of those beer that I have had is the BL Lime - it was ok - went flat too quickly I thought. Try Creemore in your next taste test - its yummy!

  2. Suggestions for next time? Find some beer lovers. :) Anyone who thinks Keith's is good doesn't love beer. :)
